Miku Hatsune Skin by Skye/FatalGTX -One of my attempts at a fully custom skin, complete with her own formal, sleep, winterwear, and choice of 3 swimsuits. If my work in some way resembles other's work, it is completely accidental and I apologize, as for permissions, you may modify for personal use, but do not redistribute unless given credit for the original work. unzip files into Maxis> The Sims> Gamedata> Skins mesh credits go to CORRY's Factory for the high fashion mesh, Fionn at SimFreaks for the head mesh, Jerome at SimFreaks for the b880fafit_JVDPRMiniFlareSleeve mesh, and Jeannie at Jeannie's Bottle of Sims for the W1B5fafit_SexyWinter mesh. the buyable BWar mesh is my own modification to the Maxis BWar mesh